Easy scalable and sustainable route to antibacterial surfaces

Easy scalable and sustainable route to antibacterial surfaces

Advantages and Innovations:  The main and revolutionary advantage of the technology stems from the possibility of avoiding thermal treatments for its production by using only benign reagents mixed at room temperature. An efficient and straightforward synthetic protocol has been developed for the one pot synthesis of silver NPs (diameter about 15-20 nm) in form of concentered hydrogel suspensions (0.5-1%wt), stable over time (12 months), with outstanding antimicrobial activity (100% of bacterial reduction), but reduced human toxicity. between The easiness and the efficiency of the method (100% of reaction yield) via pseudo three-component reaction: silver salt, water, and hydroxycellulose, represent another important advantage with respect to the common synthesis methods. These aspects make the process really versatile and suitable for its transfer on large scale plants.
Center name:  АНО "ИЦК"
Center site:  http://ick.ru/
Comments Regarding IPR Status:  The patent has been granted in Italy and just submitted for EPO application (European Patent Office).
Copyright:  Patents granted
Current Stage of Development:  The synthesis of the technology has been optimized and the resulting product well characterized both for its physicochemical and for its antimicrobial and safety features
Date of creation:  09/17/2018
Description of the offer:  An Italian research group, specialized in nanotechnology and Colloidal Processing, has developed an innovative antibacterial hydrogel, exploiting the strong background in the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, both oxides and metals. The expertise of the group in the field of colloidal science has been fruitfully transferred to the control of surface chemistry of Nanoparticles (NPs) and of bulk surfaces, in order to produce functional materials (self-cleaning and flame retardant textiles, antibacterial and water repellent surfaces, catalysts for heterogeneous reactions) and to study the bio-interaction of NPs for nanosafety purposes. The innovative technology is an effective antibacterial hydrogel, with tunable viscosity applicable on every kind of surface for producing antibacterial coating and achieved at room temperature by means of a totally green process. Thanks to this one pot preparation method spherical silver nanoparticles of about 15-20 nm are prepared in form of concentred hydrogel suspensions (0.5-1%wt) and stable over time (12 months). Compared to reference commercial silver NPs, the innovative hydrogel shows higher antimicrobial activity against several bacteria, as Escherichia coli strains and much lower cytotoxicity , furthermore an enhanced integration with cellulosic substrates. The Italian researchers are looking for an industrial partner for manufacturing agreement. The partner should be interested in the development of large scale antibacterial products or surfaces using the patented synthesis on hydrogel.The group will offer its technical assistance for transferring on large scale the synthesis and application of the silver antibacterial active component. Furthermore, the researchers are interested in research cooperation agreement to collaborate with other entities on the development of commercial products containing the innovative technology as antibacterial, to produce antibacterial surfaces or to develop new applications and products based on the technology.
Market Keywords:  06001006 Chemicals and materials
Profile type:  Technology offer
Summary:  Italian researchers have patented a green and versatile synthesis of an innovative antibacterial hydrogel, based on silver nanoparticles capped with hydroxycellulose and performed at room temperature. This new method is characterized by low toxicity and environmental impact without the need of any kind of heating treatment so satisfying the typical industrial scale-up requirements. The researchers are looking for new partners for manufacturing and/or research cooperation agreements.
Technological Keywords:  02002002 Coatings / 02007 Materials Technology / 03001001 Cleaning Technology
Type and Role of Partner Sought:  The research group is interested in manufacturing agreements and in research cooperations. It is looking for an industrial partner interested in the development on large scale of the hydrogel composition, exploiting the applied patent for the synthesis. The italian researchers are available for technical assistance in order to transfer the process on large scale pilots. The industrial partner should be interested in preparing antibacterial coatings on several kinds of substrates (textiles, ceramics, glasses, polymers, paper, metals). Moreover they offer their know-how and experience to collaborate with other entities for research cooperation agreements for further developments of this material and for finding new applications.
Type of Partnership Required:  Manufacturing Agreement / Research cooperation agreement

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